

As an Actor

Mostly recently, you can see me on the critically acclaimed period drama 1923 (PARAMOUNT+) in a few different scenes as a Jimmy Smits a ship’s mate (S1/Ep108). I’ve also appeared on programs such as Chicago Fire (NBC), as the bloody mechanic in peril, Coleman in [S7/Ep1]. As well as the legal drama Proven Innocent (FOX) as an overworked bar manager in [S1/Ep13]. I’ve also starred briefly as a bus boy in the M.O.W Who Stole My Daughter? (Lifetime) and played Joey Lawrence’s best friend, Sam, in the soon to be released feature film Pardoned By Grace. You can also see me as the recurring marine, Lance Corporal David Hoss in A Grunt’s Life (VET TV) in episodes [S2/Ep201, 204, 206, 208, 210]. Commercially, I’ve starred in spots for brands including (but not limited to) Bose, LGTV, Home Depot [National], & Chase Bank [National].

*Select Awards*

Best Supporting Actor - ‘Huge’ at the IndieX Film Fest (2021). Winner.

Best Supporting Actor - ‘Huge’ at Independent Short Awards (2021). Nominated.

Best Actor/Director - ‘Huge’ at Austin Revolution Film Fest (2021). Nominated.

Theatrical rep: Aqua Talent

point of contact - Courtney Peldon:

Commerical rep: DDO LA

point of contact - Cassie Gelfand:

As a Filmmaker

With nearly a decade in the production department, I’ve worn my fair share of hats on set. These days I’m mostly directing. Lately I’ve been directing 90 page scripts for various vertical content studios such as Reel Short and Good Short. I’ve so far directed three and am contracted to direct another three project by the end of 2024.

My most recent short film, a dark comedy about a school shooting, that I wrote/directed & starred in was executive produced by Amy Poehler and BT Studios. Back in my hometown of Chicago, I 1st AD’ed six indie feature films (two of which I was a producer). I have produced music videos for Chance the Rapper and Whitney and even produced a pilot presentation for Hannibal Buress a few years back. My short film, Huge [a dark comedy about body dysmorphia] has been an official selection at 15+ film festivals; winning awards including Best Short Film & Best Director. I’ve also directed a few commercials and a handful of high concept music videos. My personal favorite is…whatever my most current project is at the time you’re reading this. With each new project, my skills as a director sharpen.

*Select Awards*

Best Director - ‘Huge’ at the 4th Dimension Int. Film Fest (2021)

Best Dark Comedy - ‘Huge’ at the Independent Short Awards (2021)

Best Int. Short - ‘Huge’ at the Toronto Independent Festival of CIFT (2021)

Best Comedy - ‘Darren & Jack’ [aka Apartments] - at the Hollywood Blvd Film Festival (2020)

Best New Media - ‘Darren & Jack’ [aka Apartments] - at the Indie Short Fest (2019)

Best Music Video - “Pale Moonlight” - Meters International Film Festival (2016)

Currently a free agent.